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South Carolina Traffic Violations

Drivers in South Carolina who receive a ticket for a moving violation will be issued a citation on behalf of the local South Carolina county court overseeing the jurisdiction where you committed the infraction. If you have received a citation for a traffic violation, the ticket will provide you with instructions on how to pay or challenge the ticket on the front and back. Each South Carolina county sets its own rules and fees for traffic violations, and your ticket will contain a phone number to call the local South Carolina county court overseeing your traffic violation so you can find out whether you can pay the ticket online or if you must go to the local South Carolina county courthouse to pay the fine.

Alternatively, you can appear in the local South Carolina county court handling your violation at the address included on your traffic ticket. This will allow you to contest the ticket, request an opportunity to have the charges reduced or dismissed or plead guilty. When you contact the local county overseeing your traffic violation by phone, you should ask the person you speak with about the process for appearing in court and what opportunities may be available to you to help have your traffic violation charges alleviated.

South Carolina Points System and Suspension of Licenses

In addition to having a traffic violation on your South Carolina driving record, South Carolina's Department of Motor Vehicles ("DMV") also assigns points to your South Carolina driving record based on the degree of your moving violation. South Carolina's DMV provides a list of what points are assigned to each traffic violation. Examples include:

  • Speeding by less than 10 mph: 2 points
  • Defective tail lights: 2 points
  • Improper Lane Change: 2 points
  • Speeding by 10-25 mph: 4 points
  • Running a Red Light: 4 points
  • Failure to Yield: 4 points
  • Speeding by More Than 25 mph: 6 points
  • Reckless Driving: 6 points

If you incur 6 points on your South Carolina driving record, the South Carolina DMV will mail a letter to the address on your driver's license warning you of the accumulated points against your South Carolina driving record and addressing the consequences of future traffic violations, including having your South Carolina driving privileges suspended or revoked.

If your South Carolina driving record amasses 12 points, the South Carolina DMV will automatically suspend your South Carolina driving privileges for three months. If you have 16 points on your license, your South Carolina driving privileges will be suspended for four months. If you have 18 points on your license, your South Carolina driving privileges will be suspended for five months. If you have 20 points on your license, your South Carolina driving privileges will be suspended for at least six months.

If your South Carolina driving privileges are suspended for any amount of time, you will be notified by mail and you will be required to surrender your license in person to a South Carolina DMV office. Failure to do so will result in severe penalties, including the prospect of jail time.

Attending South Carolina Traffic School

There is good news. The South Carolina DMV will allow you to participate in a South Carolina driver improvement program once every three years at one of its sixteen technical colleges in order to have as many as four points removed from your South Carolina driving record. However, this class alone will not help to remove the traffic violation from your record or have your moving violation dismissed.

If you wish to appear in the local South Carolina county court overseeing your traffic violation, you may be able to request an opportunity to have your traffic violation reduced or dismissed. Also, because South Carolina courts have jurisdiction over South Carolina online traffic schools and South Carolina defensive driving programs, you may also be able to request to take traffic school online to fulfill the requirements set forth by the South Carolina DMV and also have points removed from your South Carolina driving record.

To see if you can participate in a South Carolina online traffic school or in accordance with South Carolina driver improvement standards, you should call the local South Carolina county court handling your traffic violation. You may also want to appear in court and ask the court directly for an opportunity to have your violation reduced or dismissed and to have points reduced against your South Carolina driving record by participating in a South Carolina online traffic school or South Carolina online defensive driver program.

The Benefits of a Clean South Carolina Driving Record

Participating in a South Carolina online traffic school or driver improvement program is an excellent way to help keep your South Carolina driving record as free of traffic violations and points as possible. In addition to avoiding costly fines, a clean South Carolina driving record is important to ensuring your South Carolina driving privileges are not revoked or suspended. In addition to these benefits, a South Carolina online traffic school will help you develop your defensive driving skills so that you can better avoid traffic violations in the future.

Further, you will often be able to lower your auto insurance payments by keeping your South Carolina driving record clear. By keeping South Carolina traffic violations off your South Carolina driving record, you help keep your car insurance premiums from skyrocketing. A South Carolina online traffic school or driver improvement program can help in your efforts to keep your South Carolina driving record clean before you are involved in a traffic violation, as well as after.

South Carolina Mature Driver Insurance Discount

A good South Carolina driving record can even help you receive an insurance discount. If you are a South Carolina Mature Driver, or a driver over the age of 55, your South Carolina auto insurance carrier may be willing to lower your insurance premiums if you participate in a South Carolina online traffic school or South Carolina online defensive driving program.

South Carolina Juvenile Driver Insurance Discount

Juvenile South Carolina drivers, or those under the age of 18, may also be able to take advantage of an online South Carolina driver improvement course in order to receive or maintain lower car insurance payments.

South Carolina Classroom Traffic Schools

If you are interested in participating in a more traditional brick-and-mortar traffic school, you can contact the South Carolina Driver Improvement office at (803) 896-9925 for a list of state-approved schools and locations of its 16 technical colleges.


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I want to get a ticket dismissed but have recently run into financial difficulty. Should I forget about taking the South Carolina defensive driving course?
No! There is a way that you can put off paying altogether until the South Carolina defensive driving school final exam: our “pay later” option. Just remember that you still need to make your payment prior to the exam.
Is there any Saturday delivery offered for my South Carolina certificate of completion if I select FedEx at registration?
Yes.  If you complete your online South Carolina traffic school course on a Friday, we offer FedEx Saturday Delivery (by or before 12PM on Saturday).  Also, if you select FedEx, you have the option of selecting Priority Overnight certificate completion delivery (by or before 10:30AM the next business morning), Standard Overnight certificate of completion delivery (by or before 5PM the next business day), Second Day delivery (by or before 5PM on the second business day), or Express Delivery (by or before 5PM on the third business day.
Do I have to worry about security when entering my personal information?

No you don’t, thanks to the  fully secure, SSL-encrypted website. When registering for any of our South Carolina online traffic school or South Carolina online defensive driving courses you do not have to worry about your personal or credit card information being compromised. The safety and integrity of your information is our number one priority. 

Is it possible for me to take the South Carolina online driver improvement course in order to dismiss a South Carolina traffic ticket?
Yes, it is!  However, we recommend that you check with your South Carolina court in order to verify that the South Carolina online defensive driving course is accepted by your South Carolina court for ticket dismissal.
Can offer a better price than other South Carolina online traffic school courses?'s growth into one of the most successful providers of South Carolina online traffic school courses in the nation is due to our commitment to offering our customers lower prices than anyone else. Other providers of South Carolina online traffic schools play games with prices by advertising one price on their homepage, having customers sign up for their entire South Carolina online traffic school program only to find out at the end of the registration process that they have to pay various hidden fees that increases the overall cost of their South Carolina online traffic school programs.
What can I expect once I start the South Carolina online traffic school, South Carolina online defensive driving, South Carolina online driver improvement and South Carolina online insurance reduction courses?

1.   We have designed two basic types of South Carolina courses: South Carolina ticket dismissal and South Carolina insurance reduction. You may take these South Carolina defensive driving courses from any computer with internet access. For your convenience, you are allowed to start and stop the South Carolina driver safety course as often as you need. Our system will pick up exactly where you left off. Each South Carolina online traffic school course is divided into chapters, and each chapter is followed by a brief multiple choice quiz that is designed to get you ready for the South Carolina final exam. Once you pass the South Carolina online driving test exam we will reward your hard work with a South Carolina certificate of completion. The South Carolina certificate will be sent to you according to whatever shipping method you chose at registration.

Will passing the South Carolina online insurance reduction course allow me to claim a discount on my auto insurance premiums?
Many South Carolina insurance agents will grant you a discount on your insurance premiums for taking a South Carolina online traffic school course, but not all. We recommend you speak with your South Carolina insurance agent to find out if they offer a South Carolina safe driver discount to policyholders who successfully complete an online driver safety course for purposes of South Carolina insurance reduction.
My schedule rarely permits me to sit in one place for very long. Will this affect my ability to take the South Carolina online traffic school course?
Not at all! Because the South Carolina internet driver safety course can be pulled up on any browser on any computer (provided it has an internet connection), you are not limited to just one computer or workstation. Wherever you are and wherever you go, your course progress will be saved!
How much sitting while I have to do while taking the South Carolina internet driver safety course?
You can do as much or as little sitting as you need in order to make the course convenient. It is NOT necessary for you to take the entire South Carolina online driver safety course all at once.  There is no problem if you need to take frequent breaks within the South Carolina online driver safety course.
If my court in South Carolina is supposed to receive my certificate of completion, how will I know it’s arrived?

As soon as we mail your certificate of completion to your court in South Carolina, we will notify you via e-mail. You can then check with the court in South Carolina to make sure that your certificate of completion for the course that you took was received. Once you are registered into our South Carolina online traffic school course will give you the contact information for your court in the member’s area of our website. You can then call your South Carolina court to make sure that they have received your certificate of completion.

Can I get a refund of my South Carolina online traffic school course fee?

Yes.  You can get a refund of your South Carolina online defensive driving course fee at any point prior to completing the South Carolina traffic school course online if you request a refund prior to your South Carolina driver improvement certificate being shipped.

I need a ‘read along’ program that can read the text to me aloud while I complete the South Carolina internet course. Do you offer this?
Yes we do!  For those who have trouble reading large amounts of text, our South Carolina internet defensive driving courses feature a "read along" option that reads the South Carolina internet driver safety course text aloud as you follow along with the online text.
What will my court say about me taking the South Carolina online driver safety course for the purpose of ticket dismissal?
To know for sure whether your South Carolina court will approve you taking the South Carolina online driver safety course for purposes of ticket dismissal or insurance reduction, you should ask the judge who presides over your particular court. Different courts have different rules.
Who determines eligibility to take the South Carolina online driver safety course?
We recommend that you contact your South Carolina court in order to determine whether you are eligible to take this South Carolina online driver safety course.
How often will I see a South Carolina online traffic school quiz in the South Carolina online defensive driving course?
You may see a South Carolina online traffic school quiz immediately following each South Carolina online defensive driving course chapter.
Is it possible to take the South Carolina online driver improvement course in order to reduce points on my South Carolina driving record?
Yes it is!  As a general rule, most states do allow you can take our South Carolina online driver safety course to keep points from being applied to your South Carolina driving record.  Although a handful of states may allow you to take the South Carolina online traffic school course for the removal of existing points from your driving record, this is generally not the case.
Can you confirm if I can take the South Carolina online defensive driving course for a state or country other than the state or country in which I received my South Carolina traffic citation?
If you take an online defensive driving course for a state or country other than the state or country in which you received your citation, the South Carolina court may reject your certificate and you may not get credit for the course.
When should I expect to receive my South Carolina certificate of completion from your South Carolina online driver safety course?
We strongly recommend that you allow at least 3 to 5 business days after the completion of your South Carolina online defensive driving course to have your South Carolina certificate of completion processed and sent to the South Carolina court of issuance.  If you order expedited shipping through FedEx, you can have your South Carolina traffic school certificate delivered the next business day following your completion. 
I have been told by my South Carolina court that I must attend a South Carolina driver improvement course. Will it satisfy the court's requirement? if I enroll in the South Carolina online defensive driving course?
To clear up any confusion regarding what your South Carolina court will or will not accept, we strongly encourage you to first ask the South Carolina judge if you may take traffic school online at  If the South Carolina court judge specifically told you to enroll in the South Carolina driver improvement course online, then you can register for this course.
Will I still have to sit through a traditional South Carolina classroom traffic school course if I take your South Carolina online traffic school course?
Nope! If you dislike the thought of sitting through a tedious classroom lecture, then the South Carolina online driver safety course is the choice for you. Just make sure that your state or court has authorized our program for online ticket dismissal, online driver improvement or online point reduction. To be certain whether your court approves the online defensive driving course, we suggest that you contact the court that has jurisdiction over your ticket in order to make sure.
Is there any way that my South Carolina online traffic school certificate of completion could be used to convince my South Carolina judge to dismiss another traffic ticket that I have?
Probably not. Although there are differences between states, in general defendants are limited to just one traffic school course every 12, 18 or 24 months (depending on the state). More importantly, most states will only allow you to use the South Carolina online traffic school course for the dismissal of a single traffic ticket. To know your particular South Carolina court’s rules for traffic school classes, check the “eligibility details” section on the website, or contact your court.
Will my ID be checked at any point during the South Carolina online traffic school course?
Unless your South Carolina court specifically requires it, there won’t be any ID verification. You will be informed if your South Carolina court needs us to verify your identity. ID verification (in the form of a proctored final exam, a notarized final exam answer sheet or a limited credit check), is used by courts to ensure that the South Carolina online traffic school course is not taken by someone other than the authorized individual.
Are there any other South Carolina online defensive driving course formats available?
Definitely! does offer internet traffic school, DVD traffic school and streaming video traffic school formats.  For more information about the availability of certain South Carolina online traffic school course formats, please check with your South Carolina court.
What happens if I forget to write down my South Carolina online traffic school course password?
No problem!  If you forget your South Carolina online driver improvement course password, just click "forgot password" on the login screen and will email your South Carolina online defensive driving password to you in a matter of seconds!
Can you tell me how long that I have to complete the South Carolina online ticket dismissal, South Carolina online insurance reduction, or South Carolina online point reduction course before my account becomes inactive?
As a rule, all South Carolina online driver improvement school course accounts are disabled after 6 months (180 days) from the date of your online traffic school registration at  The good news is that will send emails to you if you have not logged into your South Carolina online defensive driving course in a while so you don't forget! 
I want to be certain that my personal information is protected when I register for the South Carolina internet traffic school course. How can I be sure? values and respects the privacy of our customers.  We will not share, sell or distribute your personal information to any third party, unless we are required to do so by a government entity or court in order to process the South Carolina online traffic school course, South Carolina online ticket dismissal course or South Carolina online driver improvement course.  For more detailed information about's privacy policy, please refer to our privacy policy link on the homepage.
Will internet connection problems derail my ability to finish the South Carolina online traffic school course on time?
Not if we can help it! You should contact the customer service center right away in the event of internet connectivity problems during the South Carolina online traffic school course, so that you can avoid being penalized for something beyond your control. 

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